
Sydney Psychotherapy online – face to face


Psychotherapy online is a very effective way to manage having therapy. Some people say that they prefer online therapy because it is more accessible than attending in clinic.

Psychotherapy online on platforms such as zoom, Skype, Facetime and Teams is easy and convenient.   All you need is a quiet, private space to set up your computer.  Psychotherapy can be more comfortable online because you are in the safety of your own home which is familiar, with no rushing around or navigating traffic to get to the psychotherapy session.  Instead, you can make yourself a cup of tea and sit back and relax before starting.  This is important because the free flow of conversation between us allows you to access your feelings more easily.

People who seek psychotherapy are generally experiencing emotional difficulty so being in the comfort of you own home can reduce one of the barriers to seeking help.

One of the difficulties with regular psychotherapy sessions can be making the time if you have a busy routine.  Because you don’t have to travel or leave the house, much time is saved.  Also if you are a carer of young children, other family members or aging parents, as long as they allow you to have an hour of alone time, you can fit your session into your daily routine.

Benefits of Sydney Psychotherapy Online

  • Privacy
  • Convenience
  • No time wasting
  • Comfortable both physically and emotionally
  • You can navigate with caring arrangements and responsibilities more easily
  • Overcomes the problem of a busy schedule

The process of psychotherapy online is simple.  Once we have made the appointment, you will receive a link to the session.  I send a reminder 24 hours before the appointment just in case you have forgotten in the busyness of your life.

Online therapy can be via Zoom, Skype, Face Time or Teams.

                                                                           Don’t let life get in the way of seeking help.                                                                                                                                                 There are always choices and options.